What Make Foggix Innovation Unique?
Xiao-Yun Fan, Foggix CEO, TOGAF Certified Enterprise Architect

In this article, I would like to represent Foggix Innovation Team to provide the answer to a simple question:

    What makes Foggix a best partner to SMB in their innovation journey? 

The question is fundamental to all of our clients but might not be easy to cook an answer to satisfy the audience. 

However,  Foggix has a well-prepared answer because we understand our clients. 

The word "Innovation" is getting so popular that you can almost find it in every corner of the world. However, I always get disappointed answer when I ask for an answer job hunter in an interview, such as: 

"Can you tell us what kind of innovative work you had done in the past 5 years? "

"I am not quite sure, but here are things I did ..."  bola, bola. 

Why I got disappointed, because after 5 years hard work, the guy doesn't every understand what the word "Innovation" means. Sorry, if you don't understand the word, most likely what you did doesn't qualified to be "innovative". 

Foggix has the term defined simple: "Innovation" means something new and useful. People are familiar to do things useful daily, but not quite sure if it is new or not. Believe me, if the person did not consider "new" component in advance, most likely that something is not new, because he did the job based on his current knowledge or experience acquired from the other place, that mean it is not new.  

Based on this simple definition, Foggix invents an innovation formula, as following:

Innovation = clearly defined issues + research to confirm the existing answer can't satisfy the stakeholder + brainstorming for creative ideas + feasibility study of the creative ideas and making decision + prepare and execute the plan + produce and experiment the solution.

Well, people might think the formula does not sound surprising. True, but Foggix did not stop at formula. Foggix extends the formula in two dimensions to build our competitive advantages.

1. Prepared a full stack of cutting-edge technologies and conduct training to our innovation team to apply synergetic fusion of these technologies to solve the real-world issues, we also have a community of innovation ecosystem to join this innovation party. 

2. Narrowed done the scope of our innovation practice on solutions to digital transformation technologies for SMBs in designated industry sectors. That brought us possibility to get well prepared in business domain knowledge and technology market.

The addition homework we had done to serve Canada SMB clients is the handy knowledge and proven successes in SR&ED tax incentives, that brings the guaranteed annual benefit from revenue Canada to support you innovation initiatives. 

Innovation doesn’t have to be a world-changing breakthrough. It can involve simple, incremental improvements in any area of your company. To nail down what we will exactly help, we would need to establish the partnership relation and work together starting from the first step of our innovation formula.

That shapes our unique value!

As we said, "we believe - the future is in your hand!" , It will come true conditionally with the perception that you have a well-prepared innovation plan, and advance fast enough to catch up with global movement of digital economy in your industry sector!

How SR&ED Benefits Your Business?
- Introduction to Foggix methodology and process