Private Domain Internet Service

Problem: The openness of global accessible internet raises concerns from SMB clients on privacy and security issues.

Solution: We introduce a new Private Domian Internet technology to redefine the existing internet and local area network and home area network infrastructure to serve SMB and make it only accessible by authorized devices and people. It effectively prevents information leaking by encrypted communication. 

Foggix Private Domain Internet 

Four advantages from Private Domain Internet


To our client, it is as simple as one click to install the PDI Agent on the device and send a request to administrator for the permission.

Low Cost

one optional service license for all users in your business.


Accessible anywhere and anytime where internet is available.


The end-to-end encryption prevent the information leaking in the middle.  

How to make it work?

Four steps to get Foggix Private Domain Internet working for your business.

Open account

Open a client account online at

Subscribe service

Subscribe the service and pay the startup deposit online.

Install agent

Download and install the agent software.

Grant permission

Login the PDI controller portal to grant permission.