XI Workforce Service

Problem:  Many SMB clients are suffering from information silos that created chaotic issues in operational practice, cost intensive manual work dealing with problems.

Solution: Following Better Decision-Better Operation philosophy, Foggix build a cloud-based Business Automation Hub to help SMB clients to get rid of information silos and replace intensive manual works by automated processes empowered by cutting-edge technologies, tasks including operation and decision-making business domains.

XI Workforce

Foggix is one of the pioneers in Synergetic Fusion of Artificial Intelligence, Authentic Intelligence, Augmented Intelligence and Data Intelligence. 

The experimental system is now online here, try it by 'Chat with Axia'.  Axia, the English abbreviation of An XI Agent, was born to be the representative of next generation AI.  

According to the Foggix 5-year innovation plan, multiple XI agents will be invented to take 12 roles in XI Factory - a cloud - based software engineering factory dedicated to accelerating digital transformation for SMBs worldwide. 


Data interchange across info silos, operational data store. data driven business decision support. Read more ...


The synergetic fusion of Artificial Intelligence, Authentic Intelligence, Augmented Intelligence and Data Intelligence. Read more ...


Cut-down operational cost and improve customer satisfaction, and also extend customer base to boost market share. Read more ...